HBS provided Quantity Surveying services on the construction of a sports facility for community use. The existing sports hall was refurbished to form a drama studio and the associated mechanical, electrical and data installations were upgraded. Mobile classrooms were removed and associated external works were undertaken. Following completion of the project the main hall now comprises a new Sports England compliant four badminton court multi-use sports hall and changing facilities.
The facility comprises:
- A self-contained sports hall accommodating four badminton courts
- Two sports equipment stores
- New changing and WC facilities for pupils and staff
- A disabled users’ fitness suite
- Six new classrooms and class stores with one allocated for sport science teaching
- Reception office
- Plant room and cleaners’ store area
Overcoming a particular issue
The client was working to a limited budget and financial constraints which dictated that the funds be expended by a year-end deadline. This necessitated the regular provision of detailed and accurate cost projections throughout.
The project was successfully designed, constructed and delivered on time to provide the required facilities to the school.
The programme was monitored on a regular basis and benchmarked against similar sized projects.
The project was delivered utilising strict cost control processes during pre and post contract periods to ensure that costs remained within budget and value for money was demonstrated.
Materials and products were selected to provide reduced maintenance costs. The scheme also included a renewable energy feed-in tariff to generate income for the school.