St Sophia UK’s First Passivhaus EnerPHit School Friday, 17 July, 2020
Councillor Fiona Campbell, Cabinet Member for Skills and Learning said: “In June last year East Ayrshire Council took a decision at Cabinet to support the wishes of the St Sophia’s school community and to extensively refurbish the school.”
“This very successful school, which sits right at the heart of the local community, will benefit from a significant programme of works. I am delighted that the design process is now underway and that our primary consultant, architects Hamson Barron Smith, are bringing their expertise to this project. Together with our team from Facilities and Property Management, they will ensure that the school is sustainable, flexible and economical to run, now and into the future.”
“This innovative project, which aims to meet the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard, will ensure that our young learners will have the opportunity to learn in an environment that matches the hopes and aspirations of the school community.”
Image: © Passive House Institute